Is Radon an Issue?
Pennsylvania has one of the most serious radon problems in the United States. Approximately 40 percent of Pennsylvania homes have radon levels above the Environmental Protection Agency’s action guideline of 4 picocuries per liter.
You can search for radon test data by zip code, but the smartest thing to do is to test your home for radon, no matter where you live.
Protect yourself and your loved ones: Test your home for radon.

Protect Your Family From Radon Gas Induced Cancer
Radon Gas concentration measurement is extremely important in structures with young children present. Studies indicate that children are more susceptible to Radon Gas exposure than adults are because their lung architecture and breathing patterns result in a larger radioactive dose to the respiratory tract. Research indicates that by ten years of age a child receives twice the lung dose compared to an adult who has been exposed to Radon Gas for the same time period. Additionally, children have longer latency periods in which to develop lung cancer associated with Radon Gas inhalation. Children also spend up to 70% more time in the home than adults do and are typically closer to the floor, primarily in lower levels of the home where heavier than air Radon Gas is most concentrated. Radon Gas accounts for approximately 56% of our annual radiation exposure (200-360 millirem per year) and is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer typically reduces life expectancy by 15 years- so effective, proactive, low cost management to protect your family is critical.
What is Radon Gas?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. You can’t see, smell or taste radon. Testing is the only way to know your level of exposure.
- There are no symptoms of radon exposure
- Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non smokers. It is second only to cigarette smoking.
- If you are a smoker, you are at a greater risk from Radon induced lung cancer.
- Radon is a Class A carcinogen
- Alpha radiation is released as the Radon Gas decays
- Radon is not known to cause any other health problems or symptoms
- In the United States, radon is estimated to cause over 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year
- You cannot estimate radon levels based upon the homes age, location, design or test results from a neighbor’s home.
Radon is formed by natural radioactive decay of uranium rock, soil, and water. Low levels of uranium occur widely in earth’s crust naturally. Radon is found in all 50 states in America. Radon moves through the ground to the air above when it is produced. Radon also remains below the surface and dissolves in water that collects and flows under the ground’s surface.
Radon LEvels In Your Home
Radon tests will typically have its results expressed picocurie per liter, which reflects the amount of radioactivity of radium in a liter of air.
* The US EPA action level for radon is 4 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L), at that point radon mitigation is required. 4.0 pCi/L of radon is comparable to smoking 8 cigarettes per day. The potential risk of getting lung cancer from prolonged radon exposure to 4 pCi/L is approximately 7 in 1,000.